How To Keep Brush Turkeys Out Of Your Garden
Gardening is a rewarding hobby that can provide a sense of accomplishment and a beautiful space to enjoy. However, it can be frustrating to see your hard work destroyed by brush turkeys. These birds are known for their habit of digging up gardens and lawns in search of food. If you're tired of dealing with these pesky birds, here are some tips on how to keep brush turkeys out of your garden.
Understand the Behavior of Brush Turkeys
Before you can effectively prevent brush turkeys from invading your garden, it's important to understand their behavior. Brush turkeys are native to Australia and are protected under Australian law. They are omnivores and feed on a variety of things, including insects, small animals, and plants. They are known for their habit of digging up gardens and lawns in search of food, and they can cause significant damage to plants.
Build a Barrier
One of the most effective ways to keep brush turkeys out of your garden is to build a barrier. This can be done using chicken wire, netting, or other materials. Make sure the barrier is at least 1.8 meters high, as brush turkeys can jump quite high. Also, make sure the barrier is buried at least 30 cm into the ground to prevent the birds from digging underneath it.
Use Repellents
There are a variety of repellents that can be used to keep brush turkeys out of your garden. These include motion-activated sprinklers, noise machines, and visual deterrents such as scarecrows or balloons. You can also try using natural repellents, such as chili powder or citrus peels.
Plant Strategically
Another way to prevent brush turkeys from invading your garden is to plant strategically. Choose plants that are unappealing to the birds, such as prickly or spiky plants. You can also plant things that the birds don't like to eat, such as native plants that aren't commonly found in suburban areas.
Keep Your Garden Tidy
Brush turkeys are attracted to messy gardens with lots of hiding places. To prevent them from taking up residence in your garden, keep it tidy and well-maintained. Remove any piles of leaves or debris, and keep the grass trimmed. This will make your garden less attractive to the birds.
Use Chicken Wire
Another effective way to keep brush turkeys out of your garden is to use chicken wire. This can be placed over garden beds or around individual plants. Make sure the wire is secured firmly to the ground to prevent the birds from digging underneath it.
Try a Decoy
Some gardeners have had success using a decoy to keep brush turkeys out of their garden. You can purchase a plastic or wooden brush turkey decoy and place it in your garden. The decoy may deter the birds from entering your garden, as they will think there is already a bird there.
Use Sound
Another effective way to keep brush turkeys out of your garden is to use sound. You can purchase a motion-activated noise machine that emits a loud sound when it detects movement. This will startle the birds and may deter them from entering your garden.
Install a Fence
If you have a large garden or backyard, you may want to consider installing a fence to keep brush turkeys out. Make sure the fence is at least 1.8 meters high and extends at least 30 cm into the ground to prevent the birds from digging underneath it.
Don't Feed Them
Feeding brush turkeys can cause them to become reliant on humans for food. This can lead to them becoming aggressive and causing damage to gardens and property. To prevent this from happening, don't feed the birds and discourage others from doing so as well.
Use a Water Hose
If you see a brush turkey in your garden, you can use a water hose to spray it with water. This will startle the bird and may help to deter it from coming back to your garden in the future.
Consider a Professional
If you've tried everything and still can't keep brush turkeys out of your garden, it may be time to consider hiring a professional. There are companies that specialize in wildlife control and can help you keep brush turkeys and other animals out of your garden.
Dealing with brush turkeys in your garden can be frustrating, but there are many ways to prevent them from causing damage. By understanding their behavior and using a combination of deterrents, you can protect your garden and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Remember, prevention is key, so take action as soon as you notice brush turkeys in your garden. With a little effort, you can keep your garden beautiful and free from unwanted guests.
Happy Gardening!
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