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How To Stop Bush Turkeys Digging: Tips And Tricks

How To Deter Brush Turkeys From Garden / How To Banish A Brush Turkey
How To Deter Brush Turkeys From Garden / How To Banish A Brush Turkey from

Do you have problems with bush turkeys digging up your garden or lawn? This can be frustrating and can ruin the look of your yard. In this article, we'll explore different methods to stop bush turkeys from digging and damaging your property. With these tips and tricks, you can enjoy a beautiful garden without worrying about pesky bush turkeys.

Why Do Bush Turkeys Dig?

Bush turkeys are known for their habit of digging holes in the ground. They do this for several reasons, including:

  • Creating nests for breeding
  • Looking for food, such as insects and worms
  • Marking their territory
  • While it's natural for bush turkeys to dig, it can be problematic when they start digging in areas where you don't want them to. Here are some ways to stop them from doing so.

    Use Physical Barriers

    One of the easiest ways to stop bush turkeys from digging is to use physical barriers. This can include:

  • Fencing
  • Netting
  • Chicken wire
  • These barriers will prevent bush turkeys from accessing the area you want to protect. However, keep in mind that they may not be foolproof. Bush turkeys are known for their ability to fly and climb, so they may still find a way to get to your garden.

    Make the Area Unappealing

    Bush turkeys are attracted to areas that provide them with food and shelter. If you can make the area unappealing to them, they will be less likely to dig there. Here are some ways to do this:

  • Remove any potential food sources, such as fallen fruit or seeds
  • Trim back any bushes or plants that provide shelter
  • Use mulch or gravel instead of soil, as bush turkeys prefer to dig in soil
  • Use Repellents

    There are several natural and chemical repellents that can be used to deter bush turkeys. Some options include:

  • Hot pepper spray
  • Garlic spray
  • Ammonia
  • Mothballs
  • These repellents work by creating an unpleasant odor or taste that bush turkeys don't like. However, keep in mind that these may not be effective for all bush turkeys, and they may need to be reapplied regularly.

    Scare Them Away

    Another way to stop bush turkeys from digging is to scare them away. This can be done in several ways, including:

  • Using a motion-activated sprinkler
  • Playing loud noises, such as a radio or clanging pots
  • Using a scarecrow or other visual deterrent
  • These methods work by creating a sense of danger or discomfort for the bush turkeys. However, keep in mind that they may become accustomed to these deterrents over time, so you may need to switch things up periodically.

    Provide an Alternative Digging Area

    Finally, you can try providing an alternative area for bush turkeys to dig. This can be done by creating a designated area in your yard where they can dig without causing damage. You can fill this area with soil or sand and provide some toys or other items to keep them occupied.


    Stopping bush turkeys from digging can be a challenge, but it's not impossible. By using physical barriers, making the area unappealing, using repellents, scaring them away, or providing an alternative digging area, you can keep your yard looking beautiful and free from pesky bush turkeys. Try out these methods and see which ones work best for you!

    Remember to always treat animals with respect and kindness, even if they are causing damage to your property. There are humane ways to deter bush turkeys without causing them harm.

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