Getting Rid Of Bush Turkeys: A Complete Guide
Bush turkeys, also known as Australian brush turkeys, are native birds that can be found in the eastern parts of Australia. While they are fascinating creatures with their unique mounds and mating rituals, they can also be a nuisance for homeowners. If you're dealing with bush turkeys in your yard, this guide will help you get rid of them in a humane and effective way.
Identifying Bush Turkeys
The first step in getting rid of bush turkeys is to make sure that you are dealing with the right bird. Bush turkeys are large, black birds with a distinctive red head and neck. They are about the size of a domestic chicken and have a wingspan of up to 85cm. They are known for their distinctive mounds, which they use for nesting and incubating their eggs.
Why Bush Turkeys Can Be a Problem
Bush turkeys can be a problem for homeowners for several reasons. Firstly, their mounds can damage lawns and gardens, as they can be up to 4m wide and 1m high. Additionally, they can be aggressive towards other birds and pets, and their droppings can be unsightly and unhygienic.
Humane Ways to Get Rid of Bush Turkeys
Before attempting to get rid of bush turkeys, it's important to note that they are protected under the National Parks and Wildlife Act. This means that it is illegal to kill or harm them in any way. Instead, there are several humane ways to discourage them from entering your yard.
One way is to make it uncomfortable for them to be in your yard. This can be done by removing any piles of leaves or debris, as they use these materials to create their mounds. Additionally, you can install motion-activated sprinklers or lights, which will deter them from entering your yard.
Another way to discourage bush turkeys is to make it difficult for them to access your yard. This can be done by installing a fence or netting around your property, or by blocking off any areas where they may be entering.
When to Seek Professional Help
If you have tried these methods and are still having trouble with bush turkeys, it may be time to seek professional help. There are several pest control companies that specialize in bird control, and they will be able to provide you with humane and effective solutions.
Preventing Future Encounters
Once you have successfully gotten rid of bush turkeys, it's important to take measures to prevent future encounters. This can be done by regularly maintaining your yard, keeping it free of debris, and installing bird spikes or netting around any areas where they may be entering.
Overall, getting rid of bush turkeys can be a challenging task, but it is important to approach it in a humane and effective way. By following these tips, you can create a bird-free yard that is both beautiful and safe for you and your family. Remember, if you are having trouble, don't hesitate to seek professional help.
Happy birding!
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