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Brush Turkeys In Sydney: A Comprehensive Guide

Let’s talk turkey brush style The Cook and the Curator Sydney
Let’s talk turkey brush style The Cook and the Curator Sydney from

Are you curious about the famous brush turkeys in Sydney? These fascinating birds have been a part of the Australian landscape for centuries, and they continue to capture the imagination of locals and tourists alike. In this article, we'll take a closer look at these unique creatures and provide you with all the information you need to know about them. From their habits to their habitats, we'll cover it all. So, let's get started!

What are Brush Turkeys?

Also known as the Australian brush-turkey, these birds are a type of megapode that are native to Australia. They are known for their distinctive appearance, with a bright red head and neck, black feathers, and a yellow wattle. They are also known for their impressive size, with males weighing up to 4kg and females up to 2.7kg.

Habitat and Distribution

Brush turkeys are found throughout eastern Australia, from far north Queensland to southern Victoria. They are most commonly found in dense forests and woodlands, but can also be found in suburban areas, particularly in Sydney.

In Sydney, brush turkeys have adapted well to urban environments and can be found in parks, gardens, and even backyards. They are particularly common in the eastern suburbs, where they have become a familiar sight for locals.

Behaviour and Diet

Brush turkeys are known for their unique behaviour, particularly during the breeding season. Males will build large mounds of leaf litter and soil, which can be up to 4m in diameter and 1.5m high. These mounds are used for incubating eggs, with the heat generated by the decomposing vegetation providing the perfect environment for hatching.

Brush turkeys are omnivores, and their diet consists of a wide variety of foods, including insects, fruits, seeds, and small animals. They are also known for their love of compost, and can often be found rummaging through garden beds in search of food.

Interactions with Humans

Brush turkeys have become a common sight in suburban areas of Sydney, and while some people love them, others find them a nuisance. They are known for their ability to cause damage to gardens, particularly during the breeding season when they are building their large mounds.

However, it's important to remember that brush turkeys are a protected species, and it is illegal to harm them. If you're having issues with brush turkeys in your garden, there are a few things you can do to discourage them, such as covering garden beds with netting or planting prickly plants.

Interesting Facts about Brush Turkeys

  • Brush turkeys are also known as bush turkeys, scrub turkeys, and wild turkeys.
  • They are one of the few bird species that do not provide any parental care for their young.
  • Brush turkeys are excellent diggers, and their strong legs and sharp claws allow them to excavate large mounds quickly.
  • Their eggs are large and have a hard shell, making them difficult to break or damage.
  • Brush turkeys are often seen in groups, particularly in suburban areas where food is plentiful.


Brush turkeys are fascinating birds that have become a beloved part of Sydney's urban landscape. While they can be a bit of a nuisance at times, it's important to remember that they are a protected species and play an important role in our ecosystem. So, the next time you spot a brush turkey in your garden or local park, take a moment to appreciate these unique and wonderful creatures.

Remember to always treat them with respect and enjoy their presence in our beautiful city.

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